Templeton, D. (2024). The Immovable Veil of Black disability: An introduction to Black disability racial threat theory and its application to school criminalization. Journal of Race Ethnicity, and Education.

Templeton, D. and Korchagin, R. (2024). Exercising Educational Equity Using California's Physical Fitness Data: A call for more school physical fitness programs, data, and research. Frontiers of EducationDOI: 10.3389/feduc.2024.1433466.

Jenkins, L., Marks, L.R., Perez-Felkner, L., Verma, K., Templeton, D., Thomas, J. (2024). Applying the Bystander Intervention Model to Racial Microaggressions in College Students. International Journal of Bullying Prevention.

Marks, L., Jenkins, L., Perez-Felkner, L., Templeton, D., & Verma, K. (2024). Social Cognitive Predictors of Bystander Intervention in Racial Microaggressions among College Students. Race and Social Problems.

Wright, J., Gaozhao, D., Dukes, K., & Templeton, D. (2022). The power of protests: An experiment of Black Lives Matter protest presence and citizens’ perceptions of the police. Public Administration Review.

Holton, A., Perez-Felkner, L., & Templeton, D. (2022). How do institutional type and transfer affect contemporary college students' degree attainment. Community College Journal of Research and Practice. 

Templeton, D. (2025) [Forthcoming]. Gender Expansive Students and the School-to-Prison Nexus. In Roberts, L. (ed.), The Sage International Encyclopedia of Politics and Gender (Vol. #, pp. #-#). Sage Publications, Inc.

Templeton, D. (revise & resubmit). [Title blinded for peer review]. Educational Researcher. 

Templeton, D. (revise and resubmit). [Title blinded for peer review]. AERA Open

Templeton, D. & Valla, B. (under review). [Title blinded for peer review]. American Education Research Journal.

Templeton, D. (under review). [Title blinded for peer review]. Public Administration Review. 

Templeton, D. & Korchagin, R. (under review). [Title blinded for peer review]. Journal of Race Ethnicity, and Education.

Templeton, D. & Korchagin, R. (under review). [Title blinded for peer review]. Higher Education.

Templeton, D. (under review). [Title blinded for peer review]. AERA Open 

Templeton, D., Ford, J. Valla, B. and Korchagin, R. (submitted). [Title blinded for peer review]. Child Development.


Perez-Felkner, L., Rodriguez, S., & Fluker, C. (Eds.) (2024). Latin* Students in Engineering: An Intentional Focus on a Growing Population. Rutgers University Press.

     includes... Empirical Chapter 7: Perez-Felkner, L., Fluker, C., & Templeton, D. (in press). A critical mixed methods analysis of Latin* students in diverse contexts.

Perez-Felkner, L., Acosta, J., Fluker, C., and Templeton, D., & Pacheco, D. (contracted). Student success for Latino/a students. In S. Hu  & Joe O'Shea (Eds.). The Handbook for Postsecondary Student Success.

                                                                                                OTHER WORKS

Portis, D. (2016). Strong city. In Kushner, R. & 826 National (Eds). The Best American Nonrequired Reading 2016 (The Best American Series ®). pp. 178–180. Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. 

Portis, D. (2015). Room to room. In Savo, S. & Nash, R. (Eds). Fourteen Hills, 21(2). pp. 20– 23. San Francisco State University Review. 

Portis, D. (2014). Our reconstruction. Atherton Review. pp 12-38. Menlo Poetry Team. 

Portis, D. (2015). Long Live the Queen; Scottie Doesn’t Play Excerpt. In Savo, S. & Nash, R. (Eds). Fourteen Hills, 21(2). pp. 20-31. San Francisco State University Review. 

Portis, D. (2014). This is not my mother. In Monique Mero-Williams (Ed.). ekphrasis. pp. 5-23. San Francisco State University Review.